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Thursday, February 11, 2010

To Quote Julie Andrews...

Let's start at the very beginning.

Why self build a motorhome?

Well the seed of an idea was planted about ten years ago when Jax and I were attending a motor racing event (I can't remember which). As usual it was raining and we saw someone with a camper van making tea and bacon butties and having somewhere comfortable to shelter between races. Jealousy is a powerful emotion!

Fast forward to 2009 and the purchase of caravans by Jax' sister and my mate Don. This encouraged the idea to germinate and become some serious research. The research almost became the hiker's hob nailed boot that trampled our little seedling. Have you seen the price of professional vans?!?!? Fortunately the research also turned up lots of information on vans that had been converted by their owners, so called "self build motor caravans".

On 21st November 2009 Jax and I became the proud owners of a 2003 Renault Master. The conditions of the insurance policy for which gave us 3 months to complete the conversion, lots of time (or so I thought!). Unfortunately Christmas, Snow and a breakdown, that kept the van in the garage for nearly 3 weeks, all intervened. The upshot being that the only work completed to date has been to remove the ply lining and clean the load area. This now means that I have to complete the conversion in one week. Not quite an episode of 24 but the pressure is definitely on.

Even Jack Bauer has help so Jax is taking on the role of Chloe O'Brien and my mate Keith will be playing the CTU agent who gets killed in the final act due to management incompetence. Watch this space!

1 comment:

  1. Hope Keith understands his role in this and his untimely demise before he even gets to enjoy a weekend in the van! By the way it was purchased in December not Feb. Makes it look like you've sat on your backside for 10 months...
